Stone – Minimum 20 from the shortest distance and maximum is 50 damage on a direct hit.Wind – Doesn’t deal damage to the enemy but pull them inside the tornado.Stone – Minimum 20 damage from the shortest distance and maximum is 50 damage on a direct hit.Lightning – A thunderbolt deals 20 damage.( Can be combined with other gauntlet ability to deal maximum damage). Toxic – Toxic cloud spreads in an area dealing 6 damage to everyone inside them.Ice – Doesn’t deal damage to the enemy but freezes them inside the ice circle.

Ice – No focus hit 24 damage, fully focused hit 72 damage.Lightning – From the longest distance, 8 damage goes till 13, from the shortest distance 11 damage goes till 16.Wind – From longest distance 4 damage, from shortest distance 11 damage.Toxic – Throws 10 puddle of toxic spray and each deal 10 damage, from close range if fully hit will deal 43 damage and 6 damage over time on the puddle.Ice – No focus hit 22 damage, fully focused hit 66 damage.Lightning – From the longest distance, 7 damage goes till 12, from the shortest distance 11 damage goes till 16.Wind – From longest distance 3 damage, from shortest distance 10 damage.Toxic – Throws 10 puddle of toxic spray and each deal 9 damage, from close range if fully hit will deal 41 damage and 6 damage over time on the puddle.Ice – No focus hit 21 damage, fully focused hit 63 damage.Lightning – From the longest distance, 6 damage goes till 11, from the shortest distance 10 damage goes till 15.Wind – From longest distance 3 damage, from shortest distance 9 damage.Toxic – Throws 10 puddle of toxic spray and each deal 8 damage, from close range if fully hit will deal 36 damage and 6 damage over time on the puddle.Ice – No focus hit 19 damage, fully focused hit 57 damage.Lightning – From the longest distance, 6 damage goes till 11 (+1 for 5 stacks, passive ability), from the shortest distance 8 damage goes till 13.Wind – From longest distance 3 damage, from shortest distance 7 damage.Toxic – Throws 10 puddle of toxic spray and each deal 7 damage, from close range if fully hit will deal 30 damage and 6 damage over time on the puddle.Ice – No focus hit 15 damage, fully focused hit 45 damage.(4 damage for 2 seconds if class pyromancer)

Fire – 25 damage upon hit also have area radius damage.

Spellbreak Normal Attack (Spell) Gauntlet Damage Stats Common So there might be few ups and downs in the stats if you use talents such as Focused Mana that gives you a passive extra 15% spell damage if your mana is above 80%. The below stats from each gauntlet is completely raw damage without any talent buff. In Spellbreak there are various kinds of spell and attack that deals different amount of damage. SpellBreak is a multiplayer battle-royal game developed by Proletariat, Inc.